
sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014

Lesson four




There are many people at the market. There are men, women and children.
At the first stall, there are some women buying tomatoes and potatoes. At the second stall, some children are buying toys and candies.
In a corner, a man is selling old books, newspapers and magazines.
Some boys are helping ladies to carry things, boxes and packets.
There are two policemen at the market for the security of the people.


people- pessoas
boxes- caixas
some- alguns
helping- ajudando
for- para
market- Mercado
to- para, a
carry- verbo CARREGAR
things- coisas
ladies- senhoras
two- dois
policemen- policial
at- em, no, na, à
there are- há
many- muitos
men- homens
women- mulheres
buying- comprando
children- crianças
newspapers- jornais
books- livros
magazines- revistas
first- primeiro
tomatoes- tomates
stall- barraca, banca
toys- brinquedos
potatoes- batatas
corner- esquina
selling- vendendo
man- homen
candies- doces, balas
and- e
second- segundo
in- em
packets- pacotes
of- de
security- segurança



Exercise - There To Be


1ª) Complete as sentenças com question tag:
a)    There is a girl here, __________________________?
b)    There aren’t fresh fries in the box, _______________________?
c)    There isn’t a glass of milk under thebed, _______________________?
d)    There are four apples on the desk, ____________________________?
e)    There is a toy under the bed, ______________________________?
f)     There are five books on the desk, _____________________________?
g)    There isn’t doctor in the hospital, __________________________?
h)   There aren’t good books in the library, _________________________?

There To Be - Question Tag



There is (há)- singular
There are (há) – plural


·         There is a boy here, isn’t there?
·         There isn’t a boy here, is there?
·         There are two girls here, aren’t there?

·         There aren’t two girls here, are there?

Exercise - There To Be (Present Tense)


1ª) Preencha os espaços em branco com there is ou there are.
a)    ______________________ a photo in front of the magazine.
b)    ______________________ two books here.
c)    ______________________ four hamburguers.
d)    ______________________ a cup of tea.
e)    ______________________ two pairs of tennis shoes beside the box.
f)     ______________________ records on those magazines.

2ª) Passe as frases para o plural:
a)    There is a book.      
b)    There is a magazine.
c)    There is a student. 
d)    There is a photo.
e)    There is a boy.        
f)     There is a ball.
g)    There is a pen.

3ª) Preencha as lacunas com there is ou there are:
a)    ____________________ shoes under the bed.
b)    ____________________ milk in the refrigerator.
c)    ____________________ desks in the school.
d)    ____________________ a glass of water here.
e)    ____________________ bikes in the store.

4ª) Passe para a forma interrogativa:
a)    There is a topaz in the box.
b)    There are ten students in this class.
c)    There is a tree in the garden.      
d)    There are two roses on the vase.

e)    There is a car on the street.

5ª) Passe para a forma negativa:
a)    There is a money in the tree.       
b)    There is an eraser on the desk.
c)    There are two erasers on the desk.
d)    There are cows and horses in the field.
e)    There are two women in the garden.

6ª) Translation:
a)    There is a cat in the yard. 
b)    There are two apples here.
c)    There is a pencil on the table.
d)    There are eight desks in the classroom.

7ª) Improve the form of these sentences using there is and there are:
a)    A boy is in the classroom.
b)    Two men are in the house.          
c)    A pen is on the table.                    

d)    A window is in the classroom.     

There To Be= Haver



·         There is (há) – usado no singular.
Ex.: There is a book on the table.
       (Há um livro na mesa)
·         There are(há) – usado no plural
Ex.: There are five photos.
       (Há cinco fotos)


Para fazermos a forma negative usamos not após is ou are.
Affirmative: There is a book on the table. (Há um livro na mesa)
Negative:      There is not a book on the table. (Não há um livro na mesa)

Affimative: There are books. (Há livros)
Negative:    There are not books. (Não há livros)

            Para fazermos a forma interrogativa usamos no início da frase is ou are.
Affirmative: There is a book on the table. (Há um livro na mesa)
Interrogative: Is there a book on the table? (Há um livro na mesa?)

Affirmative: There are five books. (Há cinco livros)
Interrogative: Are there five books? (Há cinco livros?)

Lesson Three




I study in a very good school.
The name of my school is Thomas Edison School. It is not large but very nice and clean.
There are many boys and girls in my school. There are all very good teachers and friends, some teachers are young but others are old.
There is only one principal. He is a very serious man.
            I like my school. I am very happy in my school.


young- jovem
study- verbo ESTUDAR
not- não
but- mas
clean- verbo LIMPAR
large- grande
name- nome
man- homem
all- todo(s), toda(s), tudo
very- muito
there is- há, existe
only- somente
happy- feliz
serious- sério
my- meu minha, meus, minhas
many- muitos
one- um
principal- diretor
like- verbo GOSTAR


Exercise - Demonstrative Pronouns

1. Responda de acordo com as palavras nos parênteses. Siga o modelo.
a)    What is this? (flower)
b)    What is that? (book)
c)    What is this? (eraser)
d)    What is that? (pen)
e)    What is this? (blackboard)
f) What is that? (table)

2. Use THIS ou THAT:
a)  _______________  flower is here.
b)  _______________ dress is there.
c)  ______________   picture is there.
a)    ______________  radio is here.
b)    ______________television is there.
c)      ______________eraser is there.
d)    ______________car is near.
e)    ______________ house is far.
f)   ______________city is near.
g)    _______________cat is there.


·         This correlaciona-se com here(aqui) e near(perto de).
·         That correlaciona-se com there (lá) e far (longe).
   3. Use THESE ou THOSE:
a)    I like that teacher.
I like______teachers.
b)    I like this boy.
      I like_____boys.

c)    I like that school.
      I like_______schools.
d)    I like this nurse.
      I like_______nurses.
e)    I like that car.
      I like ______cars.
f)     I like this pilot.
      I like______pilots.
g)    I like that bird.
      I like_______birds.
h)   I like this lion.
      I like______lions.
i)     I like that dentist.
      I like_______dentists.

4. Passe as frases para o plural.
a)That teacher is from the United States.
b)This is a black car.
c)That is a book.
d)This is a flower.
e)That is a airplane.
5.    Put in the correct order.
a)    are – Portuguese – those – not – boys
b)    Jane – secretary – young – is – a
c)    apple – that – is –red – a
d)    orange – this – a – is – good – very
6.    Fill in the blanks with: THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE.

a)              _______________ is John’s pencil.

b)                                   ____________is an American boy.

c)                                   ____________are actresses.

d)                    ________________are blue and yellow pens.

e)                           ___________are Jane’s books.

f)                            __________is a young boy.

g)          _________is a green apple.

h)           _________are excellent picture.

7.    Traduza as frases para o inglês:
a.    Aquele carro está longe.
b.    Estes aviões são velhos.
c.    Aqueles cadernos são pretos.
d.    Isto é um lápis.

8.    Traduza para o português:
a.    That girl is my friend.
b.    These balls are yellow.
c.    Those houses are beautiful.
d.    This pen is very good.

9.    Follow the exemple:
a) (apples)    These are apples
b) (orange)               _________________________________________
c) ( bananas)              ________________________________________
d) (book)  _________________________________________________
e) (table)                ___________________________________________
f) (pencil)  _________________________________________________

1. Responda de acordo com as palavras nos parênteses. Siga o modelo.
a)    What is this? (flower)
b)    What is that? (book)
c)    What is this? (eraser)
d)    What is that? (pen)
e)    What is this? (blackboard)
f) What is that? (table)

2. Use THIS ou THAT:
a)  _______________  flower is here.
b)  _______________ dress is there.
c)  ______________   picture is there.
a)    ______________  radio is here.
b)    ______________television is there.
c)      ______________eraser is there.
d)    ______________car is near.
e)    ______________ house is far.
f)   ______________city is near.
g)    _______________cat is there.

·         This correlaciona-se com here(aqui) e near(perto de).
·         That correlaciona-se com there (lá) e far (longe).
      3. Use THESE ou THOSE:
a)    I like that teacher.
I like______teachers.
b)    I like this boy.
      I like_____boys.

c)    I like that school.
      I like_______schools.
d)    I like this nurse.
      I like_______nurses.
e)    I like that car.
      I like ______cars.
f)     I like this pilot.
      I like______pilots.
g)    I like that bird.
      I like_______birds.
h)   I like this lion.
      I like______lions.
i)     I like that dentist.
      I like_______dentists.

4. Passe as frases para o plural.
a)That teacher is from the United States.
b)This is a black car.
c)That is a book.
d)This is a flower.
e)That is a airplane.
5.    Put in the correct order.
a)    are – Portuguese – those – not – boys
b)    Jane – secretary – young – is – a
c)    apple – that – is –red – a
d)    orange – this – a – is – good – very
6.    Fill in the blanks with: THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE.

a)              _______________ is John’s pencil.

b)                                   ____________is an American boy.

c)                                   ____________are actresses.

d)                    ________________are blue and yellow pens.

e)                           ___________are Jane’s books.

f)                            __________is a young boy.

g)          _________is a green apple.

h)           _________are excellent picture.

7.    Traduza as frases para o inglês:
a.    Aquele carro está longe.
b.    Estes aviões são velhos.
c.    Aqueles cadernos são pretos.
d.    Isto é um lápis.

8.    Traduza para o português:
a.    That girl is my friend.
b.    These balls are yellow.
c.    Those houses are beautiful.
d.    This pen is very good.

9.    Follow the exemple:
a) (apples)    These are apples
b) (orange)               _________________________________________
c) ( bananas)              ________________________________________
d) (book)  _________________________________________________
e) (table)                ___________________________________________
f) (pencil)  _________________________________________________