
sábado, 8 de agosto de 2020

Present Continuouns



Present Continuous Tense

O present continuous é formado pelo verbo to  be no presente mais o gerúndio do verbo principal.

Ex.: I am playing football.

AM - verb TO BE

PLAYING - main verb in the gerund (verbo principal no gerúndio)

Observe o verbo read no simple present e no present continuous tense:

Simple Present                    Present Continuous

I read                                    I am reading

You read                               You ae reading

He, she reads                      He, she is reading  

We read                                we are reading

You read                               You are reading

They read                             They are reading


NEGATIVE                           INTERROGATIVE

I am not reading.                 Am I reading?

You are not reading.          Are you reading?

He, she is not reading.       Is He, she reading?

We are not reading.              Are we reading?

You are not reading.          Are you reading?

They are not reading.         Are they reding?

segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2020


1- What is your name? (Lia, Maria, Joaquim...)
2- How old are you? (fifteen years old, eighteen years old...)
3- Where are you from? (Teresina, Parnaíba...)
4- Where do you live? (Teresina, Parnaíba...)
5- What is your favorite subject?  (Portuguese, Math, Science, English, Geography, History, Biology...)
6- Have you get a pet? (cat, dog...)
7- What grade are you in? (6ht grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade...)
8- What is favorite sport? (volley, football...)
9- What is your hobby? (ride a bike, play football...)
10- What is your favorite movie? (A lagoa azul, A culpa é das estrelas...)


Tell me about you!

1- What is your name? (Lia, Maria, Joaquim...)
My name is ____________________
2- How old are you? (fifteen, eighteen ...)
I am _____________ years old.
3- Where are you from? (Teresina, Parnaíba...)
I'm from _____________________
4- Where do you live? (Teresina, Parnaíba...)
I live in ________________________
5- What is your favorite subject?  (Portuguese, Math, Science, English, Geography, History, Biology...)
My favorite subect is ____________________________
6- Have you get a pet? (cat, dog...)
Yes, I have get a ____________________
No, I haven't.
7- What grade are you in? (6ht grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade...)
I am _______ grade.
8- What is your favorite sport? (volley, football...)
My favorite sport is _______________________
9- What is your hobby? (ride a bike, play football...)
My hobby is ______________________________
10- What is your favorite movie? (A lagoa azul, A culpa é das estrelas...)
My favorite movie is _______________________________



Verbo Can
(verbo Poder)

O verbo Can é auxiliar e defectivo. Significa poder no sentido de capacidade física ou mental. Não recebe s na 3ª pessoa do singular do presente do indicativo.

Present Tense
I can (eu posso)
You can (você pode)
He can (ele pode)
She can (ela pode)
It can (ele/ela pode)
We can (nós podemos)
You can (vocês podem)
They can (eles/elas podem)

Past Tense
I could (eu podia)
You could (você podia)
He could (ele podia)
She could (ela podia)
It could (ele/ela podia)
We could (nós podíamos)
You could (vocês podiam)
They could (eles podiam)

Can posssui três formas negativas

Can not



A forma negativa de could é
                                                           Could not

domingo, 28 de junho de 2020


  • January - JANEIRO   /    January is the first month of the year. ...
  • February - FEVEREIRO /  February is the second month of the year. ...
  • March  - MARÇO /   March is the third month of the year. ...
  • April - ABRIL  /  April is the fourth month of the year. ...
  • May - MAIO /  May is the fifth month of the year. ...
  • June  - JUNHO / June is the sixth month of the year. ...
  • July - JULHO / July is the seventh month of the year. ...
  • August - AGOSTO / August is the eighth of the year. ...
  • September - SETEMBRO / September is the nineth of the year. ...
  • October  - OUTUBRO / Octuber is the  tenth of the year. ...
  • November - NOVEMBRO / November is the eleventh of the year. ...
  • December - DECEMBER / December is the twelfth month of the year. ...

sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2020

The Colors

The Colors

Yellow- Amarelo
Red - Vermelho
Black - Preto
Orange - Laranja
Pink -Rosa
Brown- Marrom
Green -Verde
Purple- Roxo
White- Branco

School Things

School Things

notebook/copybook-caderno                                desk-carteira
book-livro                                                                chair-cadeira
ruler-régua                                                              table-mesa
pen-caneta                                                             chalk-giz
eraser-apagador, borracha                                    schoolbag-bolsa escolar, mochila
pencil-lápis                                                             pencil-case-lapiseira
rubber-borracha                                                     kit-estojo