
sábado, 10 de maio de 2014

Exercise - Verb TO BE / Personal Pronouns

1ª) Marque a resposta correta para cada pergunta:
a)      Are we classmates? (Nós somos colegas?)
(              ) Yes, I am
(              ) Yes, we are
(              ) No, you are not
(              ) No, I am not
b)      Are they from Brazil? (Eles são do Brasil?
(              ) No, she isn’t
(              ) Yes, he is
(              ) No, they are
(              ) Yes, they are
c)       Is Carol from Germany? (Carol é da Alemanha?)
(              ) No, she is
(              ) Yes, he is
(              ) No, she isn’t
(              ) Yes, Carol is
d)      Is Lia from Esperantina? (Lia é de Esperantina?)
(              ) Yes, she is
(              ) No, he isn’t
(              ) Yes, Lia is
(              ) No, they aren’t

2ª) Passe todas estas frases que estão no afirmativo para a forma  negativa (negative form ) e também para a forma interrogativa (interrogative form). Você pode usar as contrações se desejar!
a)    She is a very good student.
N- ________________________________________             
 I- ________________________________________
b)    Andrew and Tania are brothers.
N- _______________________________________
I- ________________________________________
c)    He is studying English literature
N- ________________________________________
  I- ________________________________________
d)   They are walking on the street. 
N- ________________________________________
 I-   ________________________________________
e)    am playing game on the laptop.
N- ________________________________________
  I-   ________________________________________
f)     He is a good basketball player.
N- _______________________________________
  I-   ________________________________________
g)   We are reading a poem.
N- ________________________________________
 I-     ________________________________________
3ª) No espaço em branco, complete com as contrações adequadas:
a)    I am                __________I’m____________
b)   You are           _________________________
c)    He is               _________________________
d)   She is             _________________________
e)    It is                  _________________________
f)     We are            _________________________
g)   They are         _________________________

4ª) Marque a resposta curta correta:
a)    Are you student?
(          ) Yes, you are                      (           ) No, I am not
b)    Am I in Book 1?
(          ) No, I am not                       (           ) Yes, you are
c)    Are you im Room 4?
(          ) No, I am not                       (           ) No, I am
d)    Am I teacher?
(          ) Yes, You are                      (           ) No, you are

5ª) Complete com as palavras que faltam, lembre-se que é a frase está na forma interrogativa, ou seja, é uma pergunta:
a)    I am teacher.
_____                 _______ teacher?
b)    You are dentist.
_____     ______dentist?

7ª) Traduza para o Português.
a) How old are you?____________________________
b) The teacher is rich.___________________________
c)My father is tall.______________________________
d) That book is expensive.________________________
e) Your mother is beautiful._______________________

8ª) Mude para o plural.                                                                              
a) He is an artist.
b) He is a student.
c) She is a teacher.
d) It is a cat.
e) He is a good boy.
9ª) Passe para o singular.
a) We are friends.______________________________
b) You are teachers.____________________________
c) They are dentists.____________________________
d) We are doctors._____________________________

10ª) Preencha as lacunas com os verbos: AM, IS, ARE.

a) She ________my sister.                 d) We_________friends.
b) He_________dentist.                    e) You_________students.
c) I___________beautiful.

11ª) Conjugue o verbo TO BE nas formas afirmativanegativa e interrogativa no tempo presente.


12ª) Enumere corretamente:

(   1   )AFFIRMATIVE FORM                                                    (           )I am not Mary.

(   2   )INTERROGATIVE FORM                                              (           )Are you Peter?

(   3   )NEGATIVE FORM                                                          (           )I am Mary.

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