
domingo, 26 de novembro de 2023

Present Perfect


  1. Escolha as forma verbal que preencha corretamente a frase:

  1. I ________________ much money. (Eu tenho gastado muito dinheiro.)

 ( ) have spend ( ) have spent

  1. The students ___________________ English since 1998 .(Os estudantes tem estudado desde 1998.)

( )  has studied ( ) have studied

  1. She ______________ our lunch. (Ela tem cozinhado nosso almoço.)

 ( ) have cooked ( ) has cooked

  1. Letícia ________________ to the cinema.(Letícia tem ido ao cinema.)

( ) has gone ( ) have gone

  1. You ____________________________ your homework. (Você tem terminado sua tarefa de casa.)

( ) has finished ( ) have finished

  1. Marque a opção que está na forma interrogativa correta:

  1. Has she wash the clothes?

  2. Has she washed the clothes?

  3. She hasn’t washed the clothes?

  4. She has washed the clothes?

  1. Marque apenas a opção correta:

🡺He __________________ to Japan. (Ele tem viajado para o Japão.)

  1. has traveled

  2. has travel

  3. have travel

  4. have travaled

🡺 They ________________ the milk. ( Eles não tem bebido o leite.)

  1. has not drunk

  2. have not drunk

  3. have not drink

  4. hasn’t drink

🡺 They _________________ the house. ( Eles tinham limpado a casa. )

  1. have clean 

  2. have cleaned

  3. has danced

  4. have traveled

🡺 I ______________________ here. (Eu tenho morado aqui.)

  1. has live

  2. has lived

  3. have live

  4. have lived

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