
sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Plural of Nouns - Exercise


1ª) Complete as lacunas abaixo com o plural das palavras e traduza:

box ____________(____________)
pen ____________(____________)
doctor __________(____________)
country __________(___________)
boy _____________(___________)
dress ___________(____________)
church __________(____________)
table ___________(____________)
book ___________(____________)

2ª) Responda:
a)    Para fazermos o plural dos substantivos terminados em s, sh, ch, x, z e o acrescentamos _________ ao plural.
b)    Substantivos terminados em y fazem o plural acrescentando-se ________, quando antes do y vem uma vogal.

3ª) Give the plural form:

a)    a book _________________
b)    a church ________________
c)    a topaz _________________
d)    a day __________________
e)    a patriarch ______________
f)     a doctor ________________
g)    a man __________________
h)   a woman ________________
i)     a brush _________________
j)      a dish __________________
k)    a glass _________________

4ª) Write in the plural:
a)    A church is an institution.
b)    The boy is a good student.          
c)    One man is reading a magazine.
d)    He is a soldier.        
e)    I am a dentist.
f)     You are a young man.      
g)    There is a girl in the yard.
h)   This is a good friend.
i)     It is a long pencil.               
j)      That church is big. 
k)    A bus is not a car.  
l)     This is a glass and that is a box. 
m)  This precious stone is a topaz.   
n)   An almanac is a book.
o)    That is a stomach.
p)    It is a key.

5ª) Write these sentences in the singular form:
a)    These are boxes.
b)    They are brothers.             
c)    These topazes are precious.
d)    Those buses are red.                    
e)    Those churches are old.
f)     They are friends.                
g)    These are glasses.

h)   Those dishes are dirty.

6ª) Write in English:
a)    Meu pai tem bois e ovelhas.
b)    As crianças estão aqui.
c)    Há ratos nesta velha casa.
d)    Meus dentes são brancos.
e)    Há brinquedos e doces nas caixas.
f)     Há dois policiais no mercado.
g)    Há peixes neste lago.
h)   Há facas na mesa.

7ª) Passe as frases para o plural, seguindo o modelo:

The book is here.
The books are here.

a)    The pen is here.
b)    The fish is here.
c)    The potato is there.
d)    The boy is there.

8ª) Faça o contrário da questão anterior, passe para o singular:
a)    The babies are here.
b)    The notebooks are there.
c)    The erasers are there.
d)    The pencils are here.
e)    The apples are here.
9ª) Passe as palavras para o plural e traduza:
ox ___________________           ____________________
child _________________           ____________________
city __________________           ____________________
orange _______________           ____________________
potato ________________           ____________________
life __________________            ____________________
mouse _______________            ____________________
sheep ________________           ____________________
goose ________________           ____________________
foot __________________’          ____________________
leaf __________________           ____________________
knife _________________           ____________________

10ª) Passe as palavras para o singular:
leaves __________________
children _________________
wolves __________________
oxen ___________________
knives __________________
mice ___________________
feet ____________________
fish ____________________
cities ___________________
lakes ___________________

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